A list of our confirmed participants with brief biographical information and links, wherever possible, to recent works. (If you’re on the list, please send us your updates!) This list is subject to frequent updates/edits.
Adrian Miles (RMIT) Fragments: 57 reveries from a Vog Adrian Miles is a Senior Lecturer in New Media and currently the Program Director of the labsome Honours research studio at RMIT, in Melbourne, Australia. He has also been a senior new media researcher in the InterMedia Lab at the University of Bergen, Norway. He is very interested in the relation between hypertext and networked interactive video. Adrian’s research interests include hypertext and hypermedia, appropriate pedagogies for new media education, digital poetics, and the use of Deleuze’s cinema philosophy in the context of digital poetics and online interactive video.
Ben Miller (University of North Florida) “05.71: Verbal Abuse // The Emergent Witness” & “Pattern Discovery” Exhibition
Brigid Maher (American University) The Smart Kino: New Media Mashes with the Documentary Form
Caitlin Fisher (York University) Immersive Archives
David Clark (NSCAD University) 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein
David Dufresne (Montréal) Prison Valley
Florian Thalhofer (Berlin, Keynote) Planet Galata: A bridge in Istanbul
Gail Vanstone & Carolyn Steele (York University) Seeing Differently: A digital rapprochement for feminist documentary traditions
Hart Cohen (University of Western Sydney) Re-iterations and re-mix of the Immersive and Other Screens from the Shanghai Expo 2010. See also Cohen’s database documentary Journey to Horseshoe Bend.
Jean-Claude Bustros (Schema Hypercinema Lab, Concordia University) A cinematic apparatus that challenges classical notions of cinema, narrative, and spectatorship; a system linking observers in real space to a database of fragmented live action cinematic lexias allowing for the spontaneous emergence of narrative threads.
Jennifer Proctor (University of Michigan-Dearborn) Appropriating Memory: Home Movies and Smart Montage
Jessica Tyrrell (University of Sydney) A database-based sensor-driven interactive installation which responds to, and incorporates, an oral history video archive that documents daily life in a small region of inner-Sydney from the 1910s – 1980s through interviews with 70 residents who grew up there
Jigar Mehta is a 2011 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University, and President of the South Asian Journalists Association. He is the creator of the crowd-sourced documentary #18DaysInEgypt.
Karen Kocher (UT Austin) Living Springs: An exploratory documentary about Barton Springs in Austin Texas
Katerina Cizek (Keynote) Out My Window
Kim Sawchuk, Nancy Marrelli (Concordia University) and Brian Sutherland (University of Toronto) Images at Risk: Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy and the archiving of medical illustration
Lisa Dush (DePaul University) Invention through Asset Management: The potential of cataloguing software for creators of database narratives
Luis Frias (UT Austin Portugal) Neighborhood Refractions – a fictional commentary on reality.
M. E. Luka (Concordia University) Theorizing Artspots: mapping cultural citizenship at the intersection of the arts and public broadcasting
Marit Corneil (University of Trondheim) A comparative study of the storytelling potentials of the Korsakow System based on my own K-film “Floor” (work in progress) in relation to a number of different kinds of ʻweb-documentaryʼʼ that employ different forms of interactive narrative, including recent work at NFB Interactive
Marsha Kinder (USC; Keynote) The Labyrinth Project Keynote: Remixing DNA
Mél Hogan (Concordia University) Going Wayback: Time Travel and the Database
Michelle Smith (Montréal) Ota Nda Yanaan The opening chapter of a larger web project which aims to celebrate Métis culture and life-ways through stories, the Michif language and community maps.
Monika Wermuth (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich). Mapping the Archive – Finding Your Own Track through the History of NS Munich with Michaela Meliàn’s MemoryLoops
Phil Hoffman: Celebrated Canadian experimental filmmaker. Will screen two films: Opening Series #2 & # 3. Both works are experimental films shot on 16mm; the audience chooses how they are sequenced prior to viewing, based on the artwork adorning each canister. Phil will then splice them together on site.
Reisa Levine (CitizenShift, Montréal)
Richard Lachman (Ryerson University) A Spreading-Activation Net Approach to Interactive Documentary
Roger Hallas (Syracuse University) Moving Still/Still Moving: The Photographic and the Cinematic in Web Documentary
Sheila E. Schroeder (University of Denver) Woodstock West: Build Not Burn A documentary about a May 1970 anti-war protest in Denver and the effects that moment had on the students who participated.
Steve Anderson (USC) Scalar: An authoring and publishing platform for long-form, visually oriented, scholarship
Tagny Duff (Concordia University) The Cryobook Archives
Tim Schwab (Concordia University)
Will Luers (Washington State University) Theorizing The Father Divine Project