News update: Draft schedule, registration, D|N|A Cabaret

by matthew on April 6, 2011

With just over a month to go before D|N|A kicks off in Montréal, we’ve added some more information for our confirmed participants (see list at right) and all the amazing folks who have recently expressed interest in attending.

1. The draft schedule is now online, and is accessible from the top menu. Some highlights: We’ll be featuring two keynotes – one by Professor Marsha Kinder, executive director of the Labyrinth Project at USC, and an interactive Korsakow keynote by Florian Thalhofer, inventor of the Korsakow System. On Saturday night we will be hosting a full evening of entertainment. The DNA Cabaret will include a live tour of Kat Cizek’s ’360 degree’ web documentary Out My Window, accompanied by the live musical improvisations of Sam Shalabi and friends. This will be followed by more cabaret antics, MC’ed by fab performance artist Dayna McLeod, and a live DJ set from Montréal’s very own O-Positive.

2. In a concerted effort to generate lively discussion and stimulating debate, we will not be having formal panels and 20-minute papers. Instead, all the participants will be delivering lightning talks: highly focused, 5-minute presentations, each one centred on a single burning question about digital, nonlinear narratives. Guidelines for preparing lightning talks (participants only) are accessible via the top menu. (It’s important to note that the participants will not be doing formal presentations on their recent projects; instead, everyone who is coming to D|N|A is being asked to spend a few hours researching everyone else’s work before arriving in Montréal.)

3. Earlybird registration for participants (see list at right) is now over. Potential attendees have until April 30th to register in order to guarantee themselves a seat. If you’re interested in attending and haven’t already let us know, please do so quickly using the ‘contact’ email link at right. We have a strictly limited number of seats for attendees and they will be assigned on a first registered, first served basis. (If you requested registration info, but have since changed your mind about coming, please tell us immediately so someone on the waitlist can come instead.)

Finally, a huge congratulations to Kat Cizek and her NFB producer Gerry Flahive for winning a Digital Emmy for Out My Window. Interview with Gerry here.

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